Rick: T-t-t-this is just sloppy[lacking neatness] craftsmanship.
Morty: Hey, Rick. Boy, sure is really especially beautiful out there today, huh?
Rick: Oh, yes, Morty. It's almost unbelievable, isn't it?
Morty: Yeah, you know? There's something about the air. And just the way the sunshine is.
Rick: Oh, sure, buddy. Yeah. Sure. B-brilliant. Very convincing.그럴싸하네
Morty: Wh… convincing?
Rick: Oh! Responsive, too! In real time! I love it!
Morty: Uhh... okay....
Beth: I’m going to work. Morty, good morning. Dad, good morning. I am going to work. Goodbye.
Morty: What's with Mom?
Rick: Oh, what's with Mom? So, you're saying that she's acting weird? How sophisticated. Careful, guys. You're gonna burn out the CPU with this one.
Morty: Okay, you know what, Rick? You're acting weird, too.
Rick: Whatever, quote-unquote “Morty.” "quote-unquote"는 "큰따옴표를 열고, 큰따옴표를 닫고"를 의미해요. 회화에서, 바로 뒤에 나오는 단어에 큰따옴표를 달아주겠다는 말이죠. 그냥 강조하고 싶은 단어 앞에다가 씁니다.
Morty: Alright, well I'll see you after school. Ow! Oof! Ugh! Damn it! I'm all right. I'm okay.
Mr. Goldenfold: Alright, who can tell me what 5 x 9 is? Morty?
Morty: Uh, me?
Mr. Goldenfold: What is 5 x 9?
Morty: Um, you know, it's, uh, at least 40.
Mr. Goldenfold: Morty, that's exactly correct! 5 x 9 is at least 40! Come up here.
Jessica: Whoo! Way to go, Morty!
Mr. Goldenfold: Everybody, this is the best student. I want you to be the teacher today. Teach us, Morty!
Rick: Interesting…
Morty: W-w-w-what do you want me to teach you?
Student: Ooh, ooh! How do you make concentrated dark matter?
Mr. Goldenfold: Oh, that's a good question.
Morty: Concentrated huh?
Mr. Goldenfold: Concentrated dark matter. The fuel for accelerated space travel. Now, do you know how to make it?
Morty: Uhhh…
Jessica: Come on, Morty. Isn't your grandpa, like, a scientist?
Morty: Oh, yeah, but, you know, he told me that I shouldn't go around spouting off about, you know, his science and stuff.
Jessica: I bet you've seen him make concentrated dark matter a lot. You know, if you tell us, I’ll be your girlfriend.
Morty: Uh, y-you will?
Mr. Goldenfold: Seems like a rare opportunity, Morty.
Rick: Morty, u-uh, come on. There's a family emergency.
Mr. Goldenfold: Stop right there! If he leaves, I'm giving him an F!
Rick: He doesn't care.
Morty: Aw, man! Rick, I have to go back! I think I was about to get married! Ugh!
Rick: Take a shower with me, Morty.
Morty: What?!
Rick: Listen to me, Morty. Get your clothes off and get in the shower right now. Y-y-y-you got to trust me, Morty.
Morty: Ugh! I'm gonna get an F in class, Rick.
Rick: Morty, that's not class. T-t-t-that wasn't your teacher. This isn't your school. This entire world is not the world. We're inside a huge simulation chamber on an alien spaceship.
Morty: Wait a minute. W-what are you talking about?
Rick: It’s all fake Morty, all of it. Nanobotic renderings, a bunch of… crazy, fake nonsense, Morty. I couldn't say so until we got in the shower. They won't monitor us in here.
Morty: Monitor us?! W-who?!
Rick: Zigerion scammers, Morty. The galaxy's most ambitious, least successful con artists. You know, it's lucky for us they're also really uncomfortable with nudity.
Morty: Aw, come on, Rick. If everyone’s just gonna be insane today, at least let me be insane with Jessica.
Rick: I can’t let you do that, Morty.
Morty: Give it to me!
Rick: No! You give it to me!
Morty: G-g-give it!
Rick: Morty, come on! Morty!
Morty: No, Rick!
Zigerion: Oh, God, sir! They're still naked! Ugh.
Boss: Well, check every five quintons and tell me when they're not!
Zigerion: I think we should make Kevin look, sir.
Kevin: What?! No! W-w-why would you even say that?
Stu: Uh, sir, we have a situation over here.
Boss: If there's a wiener소세지의 이름. 여기서는, 릭과 모티를 말해요. 왜냐하면 소세지는... on that monitor, I swear to God, Stu.
Stu: Something is drawing a lot of processing power. Oh, wait. No wonder. There's another real human in the simulator.
Jerry: Okay, Jerry, big pitch meeting. Make-or-break time.모 아니면 도 You can do this.
Boss: How did this happen? Where's the Abductions Department?
Zigerion: Hey, man, Abductions just follows the acquisition order.
Zigerion: Don't put this on Acquisitions! We only acquire humans that haven't been simulated!
Kevin: Well, Simulations doesn't simulate anybody that's been abducted, so...
Boss: Oh, I see! Oh, oh! It was no one's fault. Oh, okay. I'm sorry. Well, then, problem solved. Oh, wait no. There's still another human in here! Who is he?
Stu: Rick's son-in-law, Jerry Smith. So far, he hasn't noticed he's in a simulation.
Boss: Well, cap his sector at 5% processing, keep his settings on auto, and we'll deal with him later. Rick Sanchez is the target.
Jerry: Gotta relax. It's just a pitch. Gotta relax.
Radio: This is earth radio. And now, here's…human music.
Jerry: Hmm. Human music. I like it.
Morty: Rick!
Rick: Uhp, uhp, uhp! Morty, keep your hands off your ding-dong! It's the only way we can speak freely. Look around you, Morty. Do you really think this world is real? You'd have to be an idiot not to notice all the sloppy details. Look, that guy's putting a bun between two hot dogs.
Morty: I don't know, Rick. I mean, I’ve seen people do that before.
Rick: Well, look at that old lady. She's, she's walking a cat on a leash.
Morty: Uh, Mrs. Spencer does that all the time, Rick.
Rick: Look, I-I-I don't wanna hear about Mrs. Spencer, Morty! She's an idiot! Alright, alright, there. W-what about that, Morty?
Morty: Okay, okay, you got me on that one.
Rick: Oh, really, Morty? Are you sure you haven't seen that somewhere in real life before?
Morty: No, no. I haven't seen that. I mean, why would a Poptart과자이름 wanna live inside a toaster, Rick? I mean, that would be, like, the scariest place for them to live. You know what I mean?
Rick: You're missing the point, Morty. Why would he drive a smaller toaster with wheels? I mean, does your car look like a smaller version of your house? No.
Morty: So, why are they doing this? W-what do they want?
Rick: Well, that would be obvious to you, Morty, if you'd been paying attention.
Paramedic: We got the president of the United States in here! We need 10cc of concentrated dark matter, stat즉시라는 의학용어, or he'll die!
Morty: Concentrated dark matter! They were asking about that in class.
Rick: Yeah, it's a special fuel I invented to travel through space faster than anybody else. These Zigerions are always trying to scam me out of my secrets, but they made a big mistake this time, Morty. They dragged you into this. Now they're gonna pay!
Morty: Wait, wha, w-w-what are we gonna do?
Rick: We'll scam the scammers, Morty. And we're gonna take them for everything they've got.
Jerry: National Apple Farmers of America… Welcome to our ad agency. I'm Jerry Smith. Alright. I'll just get to the pitch. Um, simple question, gentlemen, what are apples? Excuse me. Ahh. What are apples? Apples are food. And when do we need food? When we're hungry. With that, I give you your new slogan! Well, say something! Do you like it?
Mr. Marklevitz: Yes.
Jerry: You do?
All: Yes.
Jerry: So I sold it? I sold the idea?
All: Yes.
Jerry: Oh my god! Thank you!
All: Thank you. You're welcome.
Jerry: Hey! I just sold my first pitch!
Old man: Slow down!
Woman: Lookin' good.
Mailman: My man!
Beth: Hello.
Jerry: Guess who just sold the apples campaign.
Beth: Who just sold the apples campaign?
Jerry: Me! I guess it wasn't a rip-off표절 of "got milk?" after all. Guess someone was wrong.
Beth: Yes.
Jerry: Well, all is forgiven, because right now, I’ve got an erection the size of an East Coast lighthouse, and I’m coming home to share it with my beautiful wife.
Beth: Okay.
Jerry: Wait, really?
Beth: Yes.
Jerry: Yes! See you in 10 minutes! Hey! I'm going to make love to my wife!
Woman: Lookin' good.
Old man: Slow down!
Mailman: My man!
Morty: Aw, geez, Rick. I-I don't know if I like this plan, you know? I mean, crowds, t-t-t-they have a tendency to make me really nervous.
Rick: Morty, relax. It's just a bunch of 1s and 0s out there. You're gonna be fine. Just follow my lead. Yo, DJ, drop that beat.
Rick: Uh-oh, Morty. This crowd looks too small for one of our famous rap concerts. I don't think we can perform our new song, "The Recipe for Concentrated Dark Matter," for a crowd this tiny.
Morty: You got that right, Rick.
Rick: Now that’s more like it! Morty, here we go. Let me hear everybody say "hey-oh!" yeah! All the ladies say, "yeah!" Everybody over thirty, do this with your hands! Everybody with a red shirt, jump up and down!
Jerry: Mm. Mm. Mm. Yeah, don't move. Mm, mm, mm, mm! Mm!
Rick: Yo, everyone whose first name begins with an "L" who isn't Hispanic, walk in a circle the same number of times as the square root of your age times ten! Run, Morty! Before the system reboots재부팅!
Jerry: Yeah! You like that? Now who's unremarkable? You hungry for apples? Are you hungry for apples? Oh, my God. That's the best sex I've ever had in my life. It's… it's too good. I don't deserve this, Beth. I'm a fraud.
Morty: Oh, man, Rick! W-w-w-where we running to?
Rick: Out of the simulation, Morty. Normally, the chamber operates like a treadmill, with the virtual world disappearing behind us and being rendered in front of us as we move through it, but while it's frozen, Morty, we can get to…the edge. Here we go.
Morty: Holy crap!
Rick: Come on, Morty.
Zigerion: Sir, they're over the edge.
Boss: Yes, they are. Just as planned. Oh, this is going to be such a mindfuck! "mind game", "mind-fuck"이라는 표현은 머리를 아주 많이 쓰는 일을 할 때 쓰는 표현이에요. 문맥에 따라서는, 머리를 너무 많이 써서 "혼란스럽다"는 뜻으로도 쓰여요. 그런데 여기서는, 머리를 많이 쓰는게 오히려 "재밌다"는 뜻으로 쓰였어요. ㅇㅁㅇ!! 릭과 누가 더 똑똑한지 겨루고 있는 상황에서, 외계인은, "이거 재밌어지겠는걸!"정도의 말을 하고있는 것입니다.(+0+)
Rick: Keep your eyes peeled for the central processing room, Morty."peel"은 껍질을 벗겨낸다는 의미에요. 그래서 "keep your eyes peeled"는 눈을 뜨고있으라는 표현이 되는거죠. That's how we're gonna scam these idiots.
Morty: So, hey, why do these aliens keep coming after you, Rick, if you're so much smarter than them?
Rick: It's an obsession for them at this point. The Zigerions have been trying to outsmart me for years, Morty. Every time they do, I'm one step ahead of them. Aha! Here we go. Grab as many processors as you can carry, Morty. These guys aren't good at much, but they're really good at making these chips.
Morty: I’ve got so many, I can barely hold them all! Look at, look at this. Oops. I dropped one.
Rick: Don't worry about it, Morty. There's plenty of them, you little goofball. Come here, Morty! Oh, I gotcha!
Morty: Come on, quit it, Rick!
Rick: Nothing wrong with just a little bit of horseplay[boisterous play]말은 힘이 센 걸 상징하기 때문에 이런 말이 만들어졌다고 해요 every now and then, little fella.
Morty: Wow. What do you know? Huh. That was easy.
Rick: Totes malotes, dog.
Morty: Just kind of hard to believe, you know?
Rick: Believe it, Morty. And once again, I'm flying away with everything I can carry, and the Zigerions got nothing of mine.
Jerry: Mr. Marklevitz, do you have a minute to talk?
Mr. Marklevitz: Yes.
Jerry: Look, I’m a fraud. I mean, let's face it. "Hungry for apples" is just a rip-off of "Got milk?" It's almost identical.
Mr. Marklevitz: Yes.
Jerry: Okay. I deserve that. Um, I guess I'll just pack up my desk.
Mr. Marklevitz: Yes.
Jerry: Oh my God. Wait. You know what? No! The milk.. People don't have a patent on simple rhetorical questions! Y-You.. There's not even a single word in "Hungry for Apples" that's shared by "Got milk?" It's a completely different slogan. It's different! And I shouldn't be fired. I should be promoted!
Mr. Marklevitz: Yes.
Jerry: Yeah! Wait. Really?
Mr. Marklevitz: Yes.
Jerry: Yes! I mean, it may be derivative("Got milk?"에서 영감을 얻었을 수도 있다는 말), but it's the most successful campaign to come out of this agency in a long time.
Mr. Marklevitz: Yes.
Jerry: I-I’m not saying it should win an award for commercials, but it could certainly be nominated for an award for commercials specifically about apples, like an Appley or something.
Mr. Marklevitz: Yes.
Jerry: Is there really an award called the Appley for apple-related ad campaigns?
Mr. Marklevitz: Yes.
Jerry: Could we nominate me?
Mr. Marklevitz: Yes.
Jerry: Holy crap!
Rick: Get in, Morty. I'm gonna be able to use these processors to make some real important science stuff. Huh. I thought I entered the code right.
Boss: Well, what's this? W-what could this possibly be? Because it looks like you're inside a simulation…inside a simulation. You're still on the ship. Game-day bucket go boom! 유명한 옛날 KFC광고에서 나왔던 말이에요. 저도 정확하게는 모르겠어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ... GAMEDAY BUCKET이라는 메뉴를 출시했었나봐요. 그 광고에 보면 이렇게 말해요. "8 pieces of chicken, 8 hot wings, 10 bites. GAMEDAY BUCKET go boom!" 양이 많다는 얘기같죠?? 그런 맥락에서 쓰이는 표현 같아요. 여기서도, 시뮬레이션에서 나왔더니 또 시뮬레이션이었잖아요. 외계인이 "난 준비해둔 게 많아"정도의 말을 하고 싶었던 것 같습니다.
Cynthia: Sir, the, uh, doctor's appointment to examine the discoloration on your butthole flaps was—
Boss: Too loud, Cynthia. Too loud and too specific.
Rick: Uhh…
Boss: We've known how to make concentrated dark matter for a long time. But now we also know the code to your fabled safe, Rick Sanchez! All your most valuable secrets will now be ours!
Rick: Uh, yeah, until I get home before you and change the combination, you bunch of idiots!
Boss: That is why you're never getting home. Get them!
Morty: Oh my god!
Jerry: I got to tell you, this morning, I didn't even know this award existed. Now I'm holding one. And, um… Look, I want to say that today was the best day of my life But the truth is, it's, it's more meaningful than that.
Mailman: My man!
Jerry: Yes. Thank you, sir. I am finally complete!
Mailmen: My my my my man!
Jerry: Aah! What the hell?! No.
Rick: Jerry?!
Morty: Dad!
Rick: What are you doing here? W-why are you dressed like a waiter? Screw it. We don't have time. Come on.
Jerry: No!
Rick: Man up, Jerry! I may need you to work the lasers.
Morty: Oh, man! They're hot on our tail, Rick! "on one`s tail"자체가 바싹 쫓아온다는 뜻이에요. "hot"은 강조를 해주는 역할입니다.
Rick: I guess they really do have concentrated dark matter.
Morty: Well, you know how to make it, too, right, Rick?
Rick: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh, check the engine room. We just need cesium, Plutonic quarks, and bottled water.
Morty: Whoa! It's all here, Rick!
Rick: Wow, Morty. Lucky break. Grab that bucket. Okay, two parts Plutonic quarks, one part cesium.
Morty: Okay. Uh-huh. Alright.
Rick: Now empty the water bottle into the bucket and pour it all into the fuel tank so we can get the hell out of here! What are you doing, Morty?! There's no time! Oh, no.
Jerry: What the…?
Rick: No!
Boss: Oh my God, Rick. How dumb are you? You're inside a simulation of a simulation…inside another giant simulation! W-we never had the recipe for concentrated dark matter. But we do now! We do now, sucker!
Rick: You simulated my grandson's genitalia? Y-y-you bunch of diabolical sons of bitches!
Zigerion: Kevin fought real hard to supervise that project.
Kevin: You said you weren't gonna tell anyone! I'm never gonna live this down, am I? "live (something) down"은 [make people forget something embarrassing]이라는 뜻이에요. "never gonna live this down"이라고 했으니, "사람들이 이 사실을 잊게 할 수는 없을거야"라는 말을 하고있는 것입니다.
Rick: All right. Okay. All right, great. Wonderful. You win. Can we go home now?
Zigerion: I don't know. Can you?
Boss: Ha! Nice. Okay, okay. Show this gullible[easily deceived] turd to his shuttle. "turd"는 "shit" 또는 "crap"과 같은 뜻입니다 I'm done with him. Oh, wait. Let me get a picture. Aww. Look at his face. He's trying to figure out if He's in a simulation still. Are you, Rick? Are you? You're not. Or are you? Oh, a-and, by the way, I don't have discolored butthole flaps. That was part of the simulation.
Cynthia: Oh. Uh, sir, should I cancel that appointment, then?
Boss: Yeah! Of course you should!.... ...No, keep it. Move it up, actually, if you can.
Rick: Hey, Jerry, don't worry about it. So what if the most meaningful day of your life was a simulation operating at minimum capacity?
Jerry: You know what, Rick? Those guys took you for a ride, too. "take (someone) for a ride"는[trick (someone)]라는 뜻입니다 You should try having a little respect for the dummies of the universe, now that you're one of us.
Rick: Maybe you're right, Jerry. Maybe you're right.
Boss: All right, everybody. Two parts Plutonic quarks… One part cesium…. A-and listen, I’m sorry for yelling earlier. I-I couldn't ask for a better staff. I love you guys, and I love all your families. And the final ingredient…
Jerry: Whoa! What the hell?! W-what happened back there?
Rick: Why don't you ask the smartest people in the universe, Jerry? Oh, yeah. You can't. They blew up.
Jerry: So… What do you think?
Mr. Marklevitz: You're fired.
Jerry: Wha...? But t-this idea was tested in a state-of-the-art simulation.
Mr. Marklevitz: Well, then, it was a terrible simulation. Get out.
Mr. Marklevitz: Man, how does a guy like that go home and have sex with his wife?
Rick: Hey, Morty.
Morty: What?
Rick: Hey, little buddy. H-h-how you doing in here right now?
Morty: Aw, geez, Rick. What are you doing, man?
Rick: Y-y-you're a good kid, Morty. Y-you're a real l-little c-character, Morty.
Morty: Oh, boy.
Rick: You know, I had a really rocky road today, M-Morty. You're my little friend, aren't you? We had some good times together, huh, M-Morty? We You're a real true hero out in the field. You're a... You're a real trouper, huh, M-M-Morty?
Morty: Have you been drinking, Rick?
Rick: I really appreciate you, Morty.
Morty: O-okay, cool. A-alright, Rick
Rick: You little son of a bitch! Y-y- are you a simulation?! Huh?! Are you a simulation?!
Morty: No! No! No!
Rick: You little son of a bitch! ...I-I-I’m sorry, Morty. Y-you're a good… You're a good kid, Morty.
Morty: Geez!
Rick: Y-you're a good… You're a good kid.
Morty: Oh my god! W-w-what the hell? What a life.
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