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릭앤모티 스크립트

[미드로 영어 공부] <릭 앤 모티> 시즌1 에피소드10 대본 (Part 3/3) Evil Rick: You’ve lived quite a life, Rick. It’s a real shame you’re not gonna be around to see it through. You’re crying? Over a Morty? Rick: No, I’m just allergic to dipshits[a stupid person]. Evil Rick: Ugh, pathetic[evoking pity]. We both know that if there’s any truth in the universe, it’s that Ricks don’t care about Mortys. ...Do your worst, you little bastards! Kill me! Do it! DO IT! Rick..
[미드로 영어 공부] <릭 앤 모티> 시즌1 에피소드10 대본 (Part 2/3) Morty: You don’t care about me at all! I’m no different than that jacket you’ve got on! Or your stupid portal gun! I’m just a tool! I...I’m just an object! Rick: Hey, it’s your choice to take it personally, Morty. Now for the love of god, be quiet! The point of this is to get the drop on the guy! "get the drop on (someone)"은 "상대보다 유리한 입장이 되기 위해서, 선빵을 때리다"정도의 의미에요 Morty: You know what Rick, I’ll ..
[미드로 영어 공부] <릭 앤 모티> 시즌1 에피소드8 영어대본 (Part 2) Morty: Okay, okay, you can change it. Fake Doors Salesman: Don't even worry about it! Gazorpazorpfield: I hate Mumunmunundsdays. And I really could go for some enchiladas. Morty: Hey Rick, that's pretty cool! It's just like Garfield, only instead, it's Gazorpazorpfield. Rick: Hey, isn't Gazorpazorp where...where uh... where those Sex robots came from, remember? That whole thing? Morty: Yeah hey,..
[미드로 영어 공부] <릭 앤 모티> 시즌1 에피소드8 영어대본 (Part 1) man on the TV: Cynthia... Jerry: Oh, my God! No, no..! Summer: I told you! Beth: Hold on. man on the TV: Will you please... NOT marry me! I choose Veronica. Summer: What? Jerry: Yes! Beth: Called it."(someone) called it"은 [(someone) correctly made a prediction]이라는 의미이구요. 여기서는 "I called it."에서 "I"를 생략한 것입니다. Summer: Why would he choose Veronica? Jerry: Because he loves her? Rick: Well, if it's an..