Evil Rick: You’ve lived quite a life, Rick. It’s a real shame you’re not gonna be around to see it through. You’re crying? Over a Morty?
Rick: No, I’m just allergic to dipshits[a stupid person].
Evil Rick: Ugh, pathetic[evoking pity]. We both know that if there’s any truth in the universe, it’s that Ricks don’t care about Mortys. ...Do your worst, you little bastards! Kill me! Do it! DO IT!
Rick: Morty! Thank God! Get me out of this! Come on!
Morty: You’re lucky I’m not a Rick.
Rick: Point taken, but this is no time for arcs. "story arc", "narrative arc", "arc"는 모두 [structure of a story] 정도의 의미를 가진 단어에요. 책이든, 영화든, 드라마든, 이야기는 구조를 가지잖아요. 어디서 어떤 사실이 밝혀지고, 어디서 반전이 있고 등의 이야기의 구조를 "narrative arc"라고 해요. 여기서, 릭이 "arc"라는 표현을 쓰는 건, 릭이 비록 모티의 말을 이해했다고 말은 하고 있지만("Point taken,"), 모티의 진심어린 감정을 그저 "모티가 읊는 긴 이야기" 정도로 치부하고 있음을 보여주는 효과가 있어요!!!
Rick 1: Yeah, hello?
Rick (C-137): Hey, what do me and O.J. not have in common?
Rick 1: Huh? Who is this?
Rick (C-137): I found the real killer, bitch! Get over here!
Rick 1: Yo, ding-dong! We’re done here. Time to go.
Doofus Rick: Well, Jerry, I guess this means goodbye.
Jerry: Does it have to? You...you look just like Rick. We could maybe, you know, get rid of him? I’m not saying kill him necessarily. I’m also not saying necessarily not kill him. But...
Doofus Rick: Jerry. We both know it wouldn’t work. It’s time to go back to our lives. I love you, Jerry. I love ya.
Morty: What’s gonna happen to all these Mortys?
Council Rick: They’ll go back to their families, attend school regularly, play video games, date girls. ...Poor little Rickless bastards.
Council Rick: Earth Rick C-137, the council apologizes for its false accusation. And in the way of reparations[compensation] for our terrible mistake, we would like to compensate you with this voucher for a free replacement Morty, in the event that your current Morty should...
Rick: Uh, guys? Not a good time. Come on, Morty. Let’s hit it.[Let`s get it started]
Morty: Is it time for arcs yet, Rick? I did a pretty great job back there for a human cloaking[conceal; hide] device. Saved your ass.
Rick: Alright, Morty. Don’t break an arm, jerking yourself off[masturbate]. 방금 받아온 "voucher for a free replacement Morty"를 언급하고 있는 거에요
Morty: Man, I can’t believe you, Rick! That right there! That was a great opportunity to show a little humanity. You know? To connect with me a little.
Rick: Hey, Morty, you want connection? Go be part of some stupid club like all those dumb Ricks. You know, maybe I don’t connect because I’m the Rickest Rick there is. And you know, it would go without saying that the Rickest Rick would have the Mortyest Morty.
Morty: It would go without saying, huh?
Rick: Yeah, it would. Did you hear me say it?
Morty: Nah...The Mortyest Morty...
Rick: Just don’t get too big for your loafers, Buster Brown. A cocky[too much self-confident] Morty could lead to some big problems. Could be a real bad thing for everybody.
Morty: Oh yeah? How’s that?
Rick: I’ll explain when you’re older.
Rick 1: What a mess...
Rick 2: Pride comes before the fall. 정형화된 표현으로, 자만하던 사람이 실수를 하는 모습을 보고 쓰는 말이에요. 말그대로 보면, "항상 넘어지기 직전에 자만심이 오는 법이다", 즉, "자만하면 넘어지는 법이다"라는 말입니다 I guess he got what he deserved.
Rick 1: What is that?
Rick 2: Hand me the laser defibrillator.
Doofus Rick: Hey, guys! Uh, can I help?
Rick 2: No! Go clean the toilets! Maybe you’ll make friends with some turds[feces; poop; shit; crap]!
Rick 1: You make us ashamed to be ourselves! ...My God! I’ve seen this technology before. This Rick was being controlled remotely, puppeteered by somebody else. This is the receiver!
Rick 2: Yeah, but where’s the transmitter?
Rick: Wubba lubba dub dub! Oh. Hey, Jerry. What are you doing in my room, buddy?
Jerry: Nothing! I was just, um, checking the smoke detectors.
Rick: Alright. Okay, get out.
Rick: What’s that dipshit doing out there? Are you friends with him? You know he eats his own shit, right? Oh my God, this is rich! I’ve got, like, ten Ricks to call right now.
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시즌1 에피소드1
[미드로 영어 공부] <릭 앤 모티> 시즌1 에피소드1 영어대본 <Rick and Morty> Season1 Episode1 script
Rick: Morty! You gotta come on. You got--... you gotta come with me. Morty: What, Rick? What’s going on? Rick: I got a surprise for you, Morty. Morty: It's the middle of the night. What are you ta..
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