Morty: Okay, okay, you can change it.
Fake Doors Salesman: Don't even worry about it!
Gazorpazorpfield: I hate Mumunmunundsdays. And I really could go for some enchiladas.
Morty: Hey Rick, that's pretty cool! It's just like Garfield, only instead, it's Gazorpazorpfield.
Rick: Hey, isn't Gazorpazorp where...where uh... where those Sex robots came from, remember? That whole thing?
Morty: Yeah hey, that's pretty... pretty... That's true. That's right!
Rick: Yeah. Let's watch some more Gazorpazorpfield!
Gazorpazorpfield: Hey Jon, it's me, Gazorpazorpfield. Boy, fuck you, Jon. You fucking dumb stupid idiot.
Jon: Come on, Gazorpazorpfield, go easy on me, huh?
Gazorpazorpfield: You dumb, stupid, weak, pathetic, white... white... uh... uh... guilt, white guilt, milquetoast, piece of human garbage.
Jon: Jeez, Gazorpazorpfield. That's, you know, you're pretty mean[unkind; ungenerous] to me, but that takes the cake. 여기서 cake는 일등상품같은 거에요. 그러니까 "take the cake"라는 표현은 일등상품을 탈만하다는 뜻인데, 이 표현은 주로 부정적인 맥락에서, 별로였던 것들 중에서 최고(최악)이라는 뜻으로 쓰입니다. "you`re pretty mean to me"는 "너는 평소에도 나에게 별로였어"라는 말이에요. 그런데 방금 태도는 그중에서도 최악이라고 말해주고 있는 거죠. 최.악.
Gazorpazorpfield: I don't give a fuck! I'm Gazorpazorp-fucking-field, bitch! Now give me my fucking enchiladas!여기 넘ㅎㅎ귀여운게///ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 녹음작업하신 성우분이 enchiladas읽을 때 웃음을 못참으신 거 같아요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ어흡ㅎㅋㅋㅋ
Morty: Hey, Rick, you know, did they use Bill Murray for this? Sounds a lot like Bill Murray.
Rick: No, Morty, it's Lorenzo Music. In this reality, he's still alive.
Morty: Oh, okay, was his name Lorenzo Music?
Rick: Yeah, I'm pretty sure. He also did that voice of that one guy from Ghostbusters, which is really strange, because it's the same character Bill Murray played in the movie. But then, when they made the movie Bill Murray did the voice of Gazorpazorp... or Garfield, I mean.
Morty: Yeah, that's pretty cool, Rick. So all that happened in this reality too?
Rick: I don't know. Just making conversation with you, Morty. What do you think? I know everything about everything?
Beth: Did you really talk me out of the abortion?
Jerry: Well, we... we blew a tire on the way to the clinic.
Beth: I think, in my head, I was doing it all for the kids. And now the first kid is going to... do something with turquoise.
Jerry: Which is either code for crystal meth마약이름, or a gateway to it.
Beth: So, we didn't do the kids any favors. So, we should stay together for each other and ourselves... or...
Jerry: Or?
voice: Man. Woman. And now, trunk man? We know science has created men that have a trunk that allows them to have sex with both male and female partners. But we don't like the idea of these people getting married. Put a line in the sand[a limit] everybody... people! Vote no on proposition XW2.
man 1: The act that says that gay... uh trunk people can get married. Who needs it?
man 2: Not on my watch!
voice: Paid for by Michael Denny and The Denny Singers.
trunkman: Hi, I'm a trunk person. And I want I...I feel love in my heart, too. Just like you. I want to be able to express that love. With both a man and a woman. And I won't be able to if Denny and The Denny Singers get their way.
man 3: Hey, let the trunk people have sex and get married, huh?
voice: Paid for by... Trunk People.
Mr. Tophat Jones: Oh, I love my Strawberry Smiggles! Ooh, I hope nobody ever gets my hands on me, "get one`s hands on (something)"이라는 표현은 [succeed in looking for (something)]이라는 뜻이에요. 여기서는, my hands가 아니라 their hands를 썼어야 맞지 않나 싶습니다 and tries to steal my Strawberry Smiggles. I'm going to eat every last one of them because... and then they'll be in my stomach and nobody will ever be able to eat them. Except for me because they're going to be all inside my stomach. I'm... my name is Mr... Tophat... Jones and... God forbid anyone ever take my sniggy, little pig-dul smiggles. I'm keeping 'em all for me. Last bite. Oh, now they are all resting comfortably in my stomach. Ooh, am I feeling good. No! Get away from me! Get away from me and my Strawberry Smiggles! No! Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ! It hurts! My entrails[internal organs] are out! Why would you even want to eat these? They're...they're soaked with my stomach acid! Oh, Jesus Christ! Lord and savior and spirit! Save me! Take me to the light! Oh, my God, I see Demons! I see demons are coming!
Morty: Jeez, Rick. Oh my God! That's some pretty hardcore stuff, you know, for a cereal commercial.
Rick: Well, you know, Morty, I mean, you want to sell boxes of cereal, you gotta... you gotta pump the gas a little. "pump gas"라고 하면 말그대로 자동차에 가스를 충전한다는 표현이에요 Pedal to the metal, Morty.악셀을 끝까지 밟으라는 말에서 유래한 표현입니다. 옛날에는 악셀을 끝까지 밟으면 닿는 바닥이 메탈로 되어있었나보죠... 의미가 확장되어 쓰이기 때문에, 무엇이든, 빨리하라고 할 때 쓰는 표현입니다. 결국 릭이 한 말은, "물건을 팔려면, 가스를 좀 넣고 밟을 줄을 알아야 한다"정도의 은유적인 표현이 되요(남의 돈 받는 게 쉬운 게 아니ㅇ ㅑ)
voice: In a world, where muscular mannies are coming, and they're coming strong, there's only three unmuscular Michaels.
unmuscular Michael: Get down! Hurry! Run!
voice: And that's when real... turbulent... juice is coming, and you gotta take care of it. With Turbulent Juice, turbulent tables, no room is safe from the turbulent power of Turbulent Juice.
Morty: What in the hell?
Rick: Sex sells, Morty.
Morty: Sex sells what? Was that a movie, or like, does it clean stuff? Hey, dad. What's going on?
Jerry: Oh, your mother and I are going to be spending some time apart, Morty. And your sister found out she was an unwanted pregnancy.
Morty: What?
Rick: Speaking of what, Morty. "speaking of (something)"은 [that reminds me of something that is related to (something) you`ve just mentioned]라는 뜻입니다 What should we watch next? What about this?
boss: Baby Legs, you're a good detective. But not good enough. Because of your baby legs. So I'm partnering you up with Regular Legs.
Regular Legs: Hey there.
Baby Legs: Detective, I'm... this is upsetting to me because I feel like I don't need no regular-leg partner.
boss: Baby Legs, don't talk back[reply disrespectfully] to me. Good luck you two. There's a criminal to kill.
Regular Legs: Wow! You sure found this guy quick!
Baby Legs: Uh, yeah, because I'm a good detective.
Regular Legs: Look, Baby Legs, it's the criminal!
Criminal: Oh, I'm the killer. I'm running. I`m running real quick.
Baby Legs: Baby Legs, here we go! That's the sound I make when I'm trying to run fast. All right, I'm not going to get him. I just learned a real valuable lesson.
Regular Legs: I'm coming, Baby Legs! I'm Regular Legs! We got him!
Baby Legs: Hey, that was good team work.
boss: Baby Legs, and Regular Legs, I'm proud of you two for working together. And Baby Legs, I know it was hard for you to come to the conclusion that you need a partner. But I'm proud of you that you did it.
Baby Legs: Hey thanks, chief!
boss: Now get the fuck out of here!
Rick: Pretty cool, huh, Morty? Oh.
Jerry: Uh, I thought it was cool.
Rick: I don't give a fuck what you think, Jerry.
Morty: Hey, uh... You doin' okay? I kind of know how you feel, Summer.
Summer: No, you don't. You're the little brother. You're not the cause of your parents' misery. You're just a symptom of it.
Morty: Can I show you something?
Summer: Morty, no offense, but a drawing of me you made when you were 8 isn't gonna make me feel like less of an accident.
Morty: That, out there? That's my grave.
Summer: Wait, what?
Morty: On one of our adventures, Rick and I basically destroyed the whole world. So, we bailed on that reality, and we came to this one. Because in this one, the world wasn't destroyed. And in this one, we were dead. So we came here, and we buried ourselves, and we took their place. And every morning, Summer, I eat breakfast 20 yards away from my own rotting corpse.
Summer: So, you're not my brother?
Morty: I'm better than your brother. I'm a version of your brother you can trust when he says, "Don't run". Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody’s gonna die. Come watch TV?
voice: Mrs. Sullivan always planned to leave everything to her cats. But sometimes, plans need a helping paw. What are the kitties to do, but buckle together and work as a team.
man: Mrs. Sullivan, I uh, please forgive me for being forward, but your eyes are so beautiful!
Jerry: Wait, this is an actual movie?
voice: This fall, sparks will fly!
man: Mrs...ooh. Sullivan... ooh.
voice: Between one guy, who can't get a break...
man: There's something about you, Mrs. Sullivan.
voice: ...And nine cats who break all the rules. Last Will and Testa-meow. Weekend at Dead Cat Lady's House 2.
Jerry: Well, somebody in Hollywood just lost their job.
voice: Written and directed by Jerry Smith.
Jerry: I wrote and directed that? What am I, nuts?
Rick: Hey Morty, you just missed a preview for your Dad's "Citizen Kane".
Morty: Doesn't matter.
Jerry: Hey, if your mother and I had to split custody[a guardianship over a child after its parents divorced], who would you guys choose?
Summer: Doesn't matter.
voice: Breaking News. Academy-Award-winning actor Jerry Smith is leading police on a slow-speed pursuit after suffering an apparent breakdown.
Jerry: Don't even think about it.
Rick: Come on. Are you kidding me, Jerry? It's just a bunch of dumb tabloid[journalism which is dramatized to attract attention] crap.
Jerry: It's my life, and we're watching it.
Beth: You did it, Beth. You really nailed it.시즌1에피소드5에서 나왔던 표현인데 기억나실까요?!!? 옛날에 조각가가 성공적인 작품을 만들었을 때 손톱으로 자신의 작품이라는 사실을 표시했던 것에서 유래한 표현입니다. 어떤 일을 아주 잘해냈을 때 쓰는 표현이에요!! You're a surgeon. A human surgeon. Yay... you win.
Jerry: Where the hell am I going?
Rick: What are you asking me for, Jerry? I'm sitting here trying to figure out why the cops don't just take you out. They've got a clear shot to your head. I can't believe our tax dollars pay for this.
Beth: Jerry? Jerry Smith?
Jerry: Beth Sanchez, I have been in love with you since high school. I hate acting, I hate cocaine, I hate Kristen Stewart. I wish you hadn't gotten that abortion, and I've never stopped thinking about what might've been.
Rick: Hey, Ball Fondlers? Huh? Ball Fondlers?
Summer: Yeah, I could go for some Ball Fondlers.
Morty: Yeah, Ball Fondlers.
Hamster News Anchor: Ha ha... Hamster-in-Butt-World Weather is done, and now it's sports time, coming up.
Female Hamster: Oh, hello there!
Male Hamster: Good day to you, Miss.
Beth: So, the hamsters live inside the rectums of those people?
Rick: Yeah, sweetie, they... that's where they live.
Jerry: Well, how does that work? I mean, do the butts look like little apartments inside?
Morty: Yeah! And can they leave the butt, and like, walk around on their own?
Rick: Look, I don't know! I'm watching the same thing you guys are.
Summer: Grandpa Rick, if they leave the butt, and the person wanders off, how would they find their butt person again?
Rick: I don't know, Summer! I can't even hear the TV! All right, that's it. We're just gonna go there, so you idiots can ask your stupid questions all day.
Jerry: Oh! Family vacation!
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