Morty: Hey Rick, I have to make a project for the science fair this weekend. You think you could help me out?
Rick: Whatever.
Jerry: Well, traditionally science fairs are a father-son thing.
Rick: Well, scientifically, traditions are an idiot thing.
Beth: Morty, I think it will be fun for you to work on a science project with your dad.
Morty: Yeah, dad, why don’t we do it together?
Jerry: Yes! You backed the right horse on this one, son! We’ll get out the crayons, brew some coffee, and knock this thing out in two or three days.
robot: What is my purpose?
Rick: Pass the butter.
Rick: Thank you.
Summer: Dad, I need a ride to work.
Jerry: Maybe Rick can give you a ride. I’m helping Morty with science.
Rick: I’m busy.
Summer: Doing what?
Rick: Uh, anything else?
robot: What is my purpose?
Rick: You pass butter.
robot: Oh my god.
Rick: Yeah, welcome to the club, pal[friend].
Rick: Since when did you have a job?
Summer: Since last week. It’s part time at this little vintage thrift store. My boss is this really smart eccentric old man that treats me nice and values me.
Rick: Wee-ow, can’t wait to meet this fascinating character.
Summer: Please don’t.
Goldenfold: Oh… when did this stop being jamba juice?
Needful: I’ve just recently opened for business, Mr, um, Goldenfold.
Goldenfold: You know my name? That’s disarming.
Needful: I also know you long for[want badly] female company.
Goldenfold: You know, it has been lonely since the divorce. Some voids[vacancy; emptiness] can’t be filled with jamba juice.
Needful: This aftershave[a fragrant lotion for a man`s face after shaving] makes a man quite irresistible to women. Free of charge. One never pays here. Not with money.
Goldenfold: Nothing to read into[think and analyze] there!책을 읽고 깊게 고민하는 모습을 보고 책을 "파고든다"라고 하잖아요. 바로 그런 모습을 연상시키는 단어가 "read into"입니다. 그러나 "read into"는, 책뿐만 아니라, 어떤 것이든 깊게 파고드는 모습을 표현할 수가 있습니다 Thanks!
Summer: Sorry I’m late, Mr. Needful. This is my grandpa Rick, he was just leaving.
Rick: Huh.
Needful: Tell me Rick, what do you desire?
Rick: Eh, I make my own stuff. So what are you, like, the devil?
Needful: What? Sorry?
Rick: I don`t know. Store comes out of nowhere. All the shit’s old and creepy[causing a sensation that something crawls on your skin]. Are you the devil? A demon? Leprechaun?
Summer: Grandpa Rick!
Rick: Hey, I’m not judging. I just like to shoot straight[be straightforward]. I’m a man of science.
Needful: Ahah. Then perhaps you could make use of this. This microscope reveals things beyond comprehension.
Summer: Grandpa, go home and drink!
Jerry: Why don’t we do a model of the solar system? That’s what my dad did with me when I was your age.
Morty: Oh. Ok.
Jerry: You know, Rick’s in his lab, making cyborgs and wormholes and all that weird stuff, but this is real science! A man and his boy, making planets! Hey, how about we use a ping-pong ball for Pluto, and then Jupiter...
Morty: Uh, actually, I don’t think Pluto’s a planet.
Jerry: Of course Pluto’s a planet, son, I learned that in the third grade.
Morty: Well, yeah, but, you know, they changed it.
Jerry: Morty, nobody change the planets.
Morty: I just googled it. Uh, Pluto’s not a planet. They changed it in 2006.
Jerry: Yeah, I heard about that, Morty. And I disagree.
Morty: You… disagree?
Jerry: That’s right. It’s possible to disagree in science, Morty. Pluto was a planet. Some committee of fancy assholes disagreed. I disagreed back. Gimmie a ping-pong ball.
Morty: Um, Ok, I just have to...
Jerry: Go find Rick and go for[criticize] my head about Pluto?
Morty: Jee...No! Jeez! I just gotta go to the bathroom! Damn!
Jerry: Oh. Okay good. This is gonna be fun!
Rick: Hey, Morty, let me ask you a question real quick. Does evil exist, and if so, can one detect and measure it?
Morty: Um…
Rick: Rhetorical question Morty. The answer is yes. You just have to be a genius. Your sister’s boss gave me a microscope that would have made me retarded.
Morty: Ooh, oh boy, Rick, I don’t think you’re allowed to say that word, you know?
Rick: Uh, Morty, I’m not disparaging[express a negative opinion about] the differently abled. I’m stating the fact that if I had used this microscope, it would have made me mentally retarded.
Morty: Okay, yeah, but I don’t think it’s about logic, Rick. I think the word is just become a symbolic issue for powerful groups that feel like they’re doing the right thing.
Rick: Well, that’s retarded.
Jerry: What are you guys talking about?
Rick: Apparently nothing.
Jerry: You asked him if Pluto’s a planet, didn’t you?
Morty: No!
Rick: It’s not.
Jerry: Shut up, Rick.
Rick: Whoa.
Jerry: I don’t care what anyone says. If it can be a planet, it can be a planet again. Planet. Planet, planet, planet.
Rick: Stay scientific, Jerry.
Goldenfold: This aftershave made women want me but it also made me impotent[unable to engage in sexual intercourse]!
Needful: A price for everything, Mr. Goldenfold. A price for everything!
Goldenfold: Oh my god! How can I not see this coming? My lust[sexual desire]! My greed! I deserve this...
Rick: This serum should counteract the negative effects.
Goldenfold: Holy cats! Ladies, let’s get out of here. I haven’t learned a thing!
Rick: Here. You can have this back.
Needful: You didn’t use it?
Rick: Sure I did. To develop this. It detects and catalogues[make a completely systematical list of things] all your Twilight Zone Ray Bradbury Friday the 13th of series voodoo crap magic. I thought you might want it so you didn’t accidentally sell anybody, say, a typewriter that generates best-selling murder mysteries, and then makes the murders happen in real life? Ooh.
Needful: Be quiet!
Rick: Don’t you want to make sure people know what they’re getting? You’re not intentionally selling beauty cream that makes ugly ladies pretty but also makes them blind?
Needful: I find this all quite preposterous[absurd; ridiculous]!
Rick: Oh, I say, good sir! Oh, harrumph, oh, oh, bobba-doppa-bobba-bo-bo. That’s beautiful, you know it’s going to be wearing you in three hours?
Needful: Do I need to call the police?
Rick: Here, you can use my phone. Don’t worry. It won’t make you deaf because I’m not a hack[one who works hard at boring tasks].
Summer: Hey! No! Ugh! Stop it! No! Stop! Hey! Hey! Stop it right now! Grandpa Rick, I like working here!
Rick: You work for the devil!
Summer: So what?
Rick and Needful: So what?
Summer: Yes. So what if he’s the devil, Rick? At least the devil has a job. At least he’s active in the community. What do you do? You eat our food, and make gadgets. Buh-bye.
Rick: Whoops.
Summer: I’m sorry Mr. Needful. I’ll clean that up. I don’t know what I can do about the ghost lady that came out of it, but…
Needful: It’s fine. Summer, you know your grandfather’s right. This store curses people. That’s my business.
Summer: Well, yeah. Fast food gives people diabetes and clothing stores have sweatshops[a workplace that abuses workers in illegal working conditions]. Is there a company hiring teenagers that isn’t evil? This is my first job. You’ve been nice to me, Mr. Needful. You respect me.
Needful: Please, call me the devil.
Summer: I’d rather not, actually.
Needful: Yes, perhaps not during business hours.
Jerry: I told you. I want to file[register] a declaration that Pluto is a planet! Well, then my son’s going to fail his science class, and when that happens, I’m suing you first! I think I know what the A in NASA stands for.
Morty: Dad, what’s your endgame?
Jerry: Ain’t no game, sucka.
Morty: Why don’t we just make the solar system with eight planets? It’s even easier!
Jerry: Sure, sure, and why don’t we just burn Galileo at the stake"나무막대기 같은 거에 묶어서 불로 태워 죽이는 중세의 사형"에서 유래한 표현이에요. 마녀사냥하면 보통 떠오르는 모습이죠.(세상이 흉흉ㅎㅐ) 보통은 가혹한 처벌을 의미합니다. 여기서는, 말그대로의 의미로 썼다고 봐도 무방할 것 같아요. 그냥 하는 소리니까요for saying the sun is round?시..심지어 갈릴레오에 대해서도 아는 게 없는 제리... Science isn’t always easy, Morty... What the hell?
Flippynips: I’m King Flippynips, ruler of Pluto! We discovered you quite by accident during routine surveillance of your world. You really gave it to those guys at NASA! "give it to"[do something exceedingly well] 이 표현은 시즌1에피소드3에서도 나온 적이 있어요. 제리가 "you are really giving it to this ham"이라고 하죠.
Jerry: I was… you know… sometimes science is about conviction.
Flippynips: I’d like to introduce you to a few people that very much agree with you.
Jerry: Oh. I…
Flippynips: Plutonians! Jerry Smith is a scientist from Earth where he’s creating a model of our solar system! Jerry, tell Pluto about your decision!
Jerry: Um... Pluto… is a planet.
Flippynips: Pluto’s a fucking planet, bitch!
Morty: Oh man, this is definitely gonna go to his head. "(something successful) go to (someone)`s head"는 [(something successful) make (someone) too proud]라는 뜻입니다
Needful: If it’s athletic prowess[outstanding skill] you desire, principal Vagina, I might...
Vagina: I’ll take it!
Needful: But I haven’t even...
Vagina: Thank you very very much, great store, great place, bye.
Needful: Huh. Okay. I must say, Summer. I thought your grandfather’s outburst would have disrupted business, but this is the best weekend I’ve had since Salem!
Summer: Nice! Wholesome delight for lunch?
Needful: Is that the vegan place?
Summer: Yeah, I love their soup.
Needful: I’m kind of souped out... Mrs. Tate, is it? What do you desire? Whoa, whoa, slow down, honey!
Tate: Oh, is there a limit? Everything’s free, right?
Summer: Let’s just say… you don’t pay with money.
Needful: That was perfect.
Tate: You pay with the curses, right?
Needful: Um, I… well... But Mrs. Tate! Why do you want cursed items?
Tate: Well, I’m going to get the curses removed. At "Curse Purge Plus". You know, the guy on TV?
Needful: What?
Rick in the TV: Have you acquired creepy, specific old stuff from a mysterious antique or thrift store that gives you powers but fucks with you in unforeseeable ways? Bring it to "Curse Purge Plus"! I use science to uncurse the items for cash, and you get to keep the powers! This guy got mysterious sneakers to make him run faster! But guess what? He would have had to run until he died, making them worthless. I removed the curse, making them worth, like, I don`t know, $8,000,000? See you at the Olympics. This eerily"eery"[causing a feeling of fear]이라는 단어에 "-ly"를 쓴 것입니다intelligent doll was threatening to murder its family. Now it does their taxes.
doll: Everything’s deductible.
Rick: Don’t pay for cool stuff with your soul. Pay for it with money. You know, like how every other store in the world works? We’re located at First and Main in old town. Come on. come on down.
Needful: First… and…
Rick: Wubba… lubba… dub dub! Wubba lubba dub dub!
Rick in the TV: ...where you can get evil items for free!
Needful: Diabolical son of a mother...
Hostess: We’re back on Good Morning Pluto, and a very good morning it is for our guest, Earth scientist Jerry Smith, who is making headlines with his bold announcement that is, what Jerry?
Jerry: Pluto is a planet.
Host: How about that?
Hostess: I love it!
Scroopy Noopers: Morty Smith. I’m Scroopy Noopers. I’m a scientist. Can I show you something?
Morty: Uh… I’d better not.
Scroopy Noopers: Right now.
Scroopy Noopers: The centre of Pluto, Mr. Smith, is made of a substance called plutonium. Mines like these suck plutonium up to the cities where corporations use it to power everything, from diamond cars to golden showers. And the more we remove, the more Pluto shrinks. There it goes again. Just shrank a little. But a few years ago, your scientists had noticed Pluto had gotten so small. They couldn’t even call it a planet any more. Should have been our wake-up-call. But the rich plutonians won’t wake up. And they love your dad, telling everyone Pluto’s a planet. Because that means they can keep mining until Pluto goes from planet to asteroid to meteor, and finally...
Morty: Um… A party?
Scroopy Noopers: Is everyone in your family an idiot?
Morty: For sure me and my dad are.
Scroopy Noopers: Well, all you have to do is get him to admit that, and you could save four billion lives.
Morty: Uh, yeah, you know, the thing is… my dad’s really insecure[lacking self-confidence].
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