Jerry: What? Why are you looking at me? You want to go outside? Outside? Outside? Are you kidding me?! Come
Summer: Oh, my God.
Morty: What's wrong?
Jerry: Your idiot dog!
Morty: Oh, he he didn't mean it, dad. Did you, snuffles? You're a good boy.
Jerry: Don't praise him now, Morty! He just peed on the carpet! Bad dog! Bad!
Rick: Morty, come on. I need your help tonight.
Jerry: Hey, wait, hold on a second, Rick. You wouldn't by any chance have some sort of crazy science thing you could
whip up[prepare very quickly] that might help make this dog a little smarter, would you?
Rick: I thought the whole point of having a dog was to feel superior, Jerry. If I were you, I wouldn't pull that thread.
나라면 그러지 않겠다는 뜻이에요. 옷에 실밥하나가 풀린 게 보이면,,, 집어뜯고 싶잖아요?!!! 그런데 실밥이 뜯기면 옷만
더 망가지는 일이 일어납니다.ㅇㅁㅇ!! 그런 일을 굳이 하는 걸 "pull a thread"라고 표현해요. Come on, Morty.
Jerry: Listen, Rick, if you're gonna stay here rent-free and use my son for your stupid science, the least you could do
is put a little bit of it to use for the family. You make that dog smart or Morty's grounded![kept at home as a
Summer: Ha-ha!
Morty: Aw, man!
Rick: Boy, you really got me up against a wall this time, Jerry.어쩔 수 없이 뭔가를 할 수밖에 없는 상황으로 몰아간다
는 말을 할 때 "get (something) up against a wall"이라는 표현을 씁니다. 여기서는, 이번에는 Jerry가 자꾸 귀찮게 하니
까, 짜증나서라도 어쩔 수 없이, 강아지를 똑똑하게 해주는 장치를 줄 수밖에 없겠다는 말이에요. All right, Ruffles
What's his name?
Morty: Snuffles.
Rick: Snuffles, shake. Roll over. Go to the bathroom.
Jerry: Holy crap!
Summer: No way.
Rick: Yeah, you're at the top of your game now, Jerry. "at the top of your game"이라는 표현은 말 그대로 보면, 네가
이제까지 한 것 중에 최고 득점을 냈다는 말이에요. 보통은, 누가 어떤 일을 이제까지 해온 것보다 훨씬 잘해냈을 때 좋
은 의미로 쓰는 표현입니다. 그러나 여기서는 Rick이 Jerry를 비꼬는 말로 썼죠. 왠만해서는 Rick이 Jerry말을 들어주지
않을텐데, 오늘은 너무 귀찮게 굴어서 Jerry가 원하는 걸 받아냈잖아요?! 그걸보고 "자알~~~~했다~"라고 하는 거라고
보면 됩니다. Have fun. Come on, Morty.
Morty: That was fantastic, Rick!
Rick: Yeah, Morty, if you like that, boy, you're you're really going to flip your lid over this one. "flip one`s lid over
(something)"은 [become very angry or become very excited]라는 뜻이에요. lid는 냄비같은 것의 뚜껑을 말해요. 그러
니까 여기서는, "머리 뚜껑이 열린다"정도의 느낌인거죠(열려라 참깨)
Morty: W-w-w-what is it?
Rick: It's a device, Morty, that when you put it in your ear, you can enter people's dreams, Morty. It's just like that
movie that you keep crowing about. crow는 까마귀를 말해요. 동사로 쓰이는 crow는 여기저기 까악까악!!!!하고 다니는
까마귀를 연상하는 표현입니다. Rick은 사람들이 영화 <인셉션>이 그렇게 재밌다 재밌다하는 게 자기는 공감이 안가는
거에요. 남들은 다들 그렇게 생각한다는 듯이 말하는데,,, 나는 공감할 수 없을 때가 있죠??!?(물론 ㅈ..저는 <인셉션>이
너..ㄴㅓㅁ 재밌었어요///) Rick 입장에서는, 사람들이 <인셉션>을 칭찬하고 다니는 게 까마귀가 까악까악!! 시끄럽게 우
는, 귀에 거슬리는 소리로 들린다는 뜻입니다.
Morty: You talking about "Inception"?
Rick: That's right, Morty. This is gonna be a lot like that, except, you know, it's gonna maybe make sense.
Morty: "Inception" made sense.
Rick: You don't have to try to impress me, Morty. Listen, tonight we're gonna go into the home of your math teacher,
Mr. Goldenfold, and we're gonna incept the idea in his brain to give you A's in math, Morty. That way you can, you
know, y-you're gonna help me with my science, Morty, all the time.
Morty: Geez, Rick, in the time it took you to make this thing, couldn't you have just, you know, helped me with my
Rick: Are you listening to me, Morty? Homework is stupid. The whole point is to get less of it.
Rick: Come on, let's just get over there and deal with this thing. W-we're gonna incept your teacher. You're
frustrating me.
Mrs. Pancakes: You don't know me!
Mr. Goldenfold:' Nice, Mrs. Pancakes. Real nice.
Commercial Announcer: Next week on "The days and nights of Mrs. Pancakes"
Mrs. Pancakes: You don't know me!
Mr. Pancakes: Then let me get to know yo, damn it!
Rick: Uh-oh! Spoilers! I'm a full season behind. behind는 뒤를 의미하잖아요? 여기서는, 내가 한 시즌 뒤에 있다, 뒤쳐
져있다는 의미에요. 예를 들어서, 지금 TV에 틀려있는 게 만약 시즌2라면, Rick은 지금 시즌1을 보는 중이라는 말이죠.
Morty: Wow, Rick, I can't believe we're sitting around, standing around in Mr. Goldenfold's house. It's really weird.
Rick: It's about to get a whole lot weirder, Morty.
Mrs. Pancakes: Wheat thins. Wheat thins.밀로 만든 얇은 칩을 말합니다.
Mr. Goldenfold: I'll take two.
Mrs. Pancakes: Oh, I think you've had enough, sir.
Mr.Goldenfold: You don't know me.
Rick: All right, Morty, time to make our move.
Mr. Goldenfold: Make it bounce.
Mrs. Pancakes: No, you didn't.
Mr. Goldenfold: Oh, jiggle it now.
Mrs. Pancakes: You better stop with that.
Rick: Allahu akbar! We're gonna take control of this plane! We're gonna 9/11 it unless Morty Smith gets better
grades in math! Hey! I said nobody move, buddy!
Mr. Goldenfold: The name's not buddy. It's Goldenfold. Nice to wheat you!
Rick: Take cover, Morty!
Morty: Ooohhh!
Rick: Goldenfold's got more control here than I anticipated. I mean, the guy teaches high-school math. I didn't take
him for an active dreamer.고등학교 수학이나 가르치는 인간이, 꿈안에서 저렇게 능동적으로 대응할 수 있는 사람인 줄
은 몰랐다는 말이에요. "take (someone) for (something)"는 (someone)을 (something)으로 여긴다, 생각한다라는 뜻입
니다. 비슷한 표현으로, take (something) for granted라고 하면 (something)을 당연하게 여긴다는 말이잖아요. We've
got to take him out so he wakes up, Morty but we can't get killed.여기에서 can`t는, 절대 죽어서는 안된다는 걸 강조
하기 위해서 쓰인 거에요!! If you get killed in someone else's dream, you die for real, Morty.
Morty: What?! Are you kidding me?! Ohhhhhh!
Rick: Don't be a baby! You avoid getting shot in real life all the time, Morty. Just do the same thing here, and we'll
be fine!
Jerry: Now bring me my slippers.
Summer: Now, be my footstool, Snuffles.
Jerry: This is what I'm talking about. This is a dog.
Beth: Oh, yeah. This should play out just fine.
Jerry: You said the same thing, equally sarcastically, at our wedding and guess what?
Snuffles: Ooowwwwowowwaawaa!
Summer: Oh, my God! He's trying to tell us something. That is so awesome.
Snuffles: Aaaawwaaaaawaawa!
Jerry: Aw, he's saying "I love lasagna".
Snuffles: Ooooyayawawa!
Summer: He's saying "I love Obama". So cute! I'm posting this online, like, right now.
Jerry: I should call Bob Saget. Is that still a thing?
Snuffles: Hmm?
Rick: Goldenfold, we're coming out! We just want to talk!
Mr.Goldenfold: Why would I negotiate with you?
Rick: Because we're both rational adults that don't want anything bad to happen. And because I have a human
Mr. Goldenfold: Mrs. Pancakes! AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!
Rick: Oh, no, Morty. His subconscious is panicking.
Rick: Relax, Morty. Look! Mrs. Pancakes has a parachute. Come on!
Mrs. Pancakes: Hey, you don't know me!
Morty: Oh, no, Rick, look! Goldenfold landed the plane, and he's created a mechanical arm to pluck Mrs. Pancakes
out of the air while he lets us fall into a giant vat of lava!
Rick: Pretty concise, Morty. Looks like we've merely prolonged the inevitable. That's it, Morty! Prolonging the
inevitable! Listen, if we go into Mrs. Pancakes' dream, everything will go 100 times slower, Morty. That'll buy us
some time to figure this out!
Mrs. Pancakes: You don't know m-
Rick: All right, let's go.
Morty: Oh, man, Rick, this is pretty weird.
Rick: Don't judge, Morty. 옳고 그름을 네가 판단하지 말라는 말이에요.(니가 먼데!!) 사람들의 다양하고 다른 생각들을
받아들일 줄 알아야 한다는 패러다임을 내포하고 있어요.(ft.다원화 사회)
Morty: Okay. All right, well Look, Mrs. Pancakes is right over there. I'll just go ask her to tell goldenfold not to kill us
when she wakes up.
Rick: Whoa, whoa, Morty, the trick to incepting is making people think they came up with the idea. Listen to me. If
we're gonna incept Mrs. Pancakes, we have to blend. I'll talk to you after lunch.
Monster: Ooh, hey!
Morty: Ooh, oh! Oh, man.
Monster: Come and join us.
Morty: I'm sorry. No, no.
Monster: Ooh, come here!
Morty: No, thanks!
Monster: Ooh, wow! Come over here, baby!
Morty: No, I'm okay. Whoa! Summer?!
Summer: Hey, there, stranger. What do you think of these things?
Morty: Ohh! Oh! Gross! Gross!
Rick: Whoa, whoa, whoa! What's the matter with you, Morty? Calm down! You're kind of killing the vibe in here.
Morty: It's Summer!
Rick: Aw, geez. Looks like goldenfold has some predilections so shameful he buries them in the dreams of the
people in his dreams, including a pervy attraction to your underage sister.
Summer: Can you blame him? Come on, old man, little boy. Let's make an inter-generational sandwich.
Rick: Oh, my God. Put some clothes on for the love of God Summer! Put some I'm gunna puke! I swear to God I'm
gunna puke!
Morty: Oh, my God! Put some clothes on, for Pete's sake! This is disgusting! I can't take it, Rick!
Monster: Sexual hang-ups in the pleasure chamber are punishable by death! Off with their heads!
Rick: Time to go another dream deep, Morty!
Morty: What the hell? Why would Mr. Goldenfold's dream version of Mrs. Pancakes' dream version of a Centaur be
dreaming about a scary place like this, Rick?
Rick: Geez, I don't know, Morty. Wha-what do you want from me?
Scary Terry: Welcome to your nightmare, bitch!
Rick: Oh, here we go!
Morty: Ooooooohhhhh! Holy crap!
Rick: Looks like some sort of legally safe knock-off of an '80s horror character with miniature swords for fingers
instead of knives. knock-off는 리메이크한 걸 말해요.
Scary Terry: I'm Scary Terry. You can run, but you can't hide, bitch!
Jerry: Whoa! Hey, buddy. What you got going on there?
Snuffles: Snuffles fix. Make better. Humans understand snuffles now?
Summer: That is awesome!
Snuffles: Snuffles want to be understood. Snuffles need to be understood.
Jerry: Okay, yeah. I get what Beth was talking about. Fun's over.
Summer: Whoa, dad, you can't, like, endow a creature with sentience and then rip it away.
Jerry: Why not?
Summer: I don't know. It's Indian giving.여기서는, "줬다 도로 뺐는 건 나쁜 거잖아요!"라는 의미로 쓰였어요. 옛날에 유
럽사람들이 인디언들이 사는 대륙에 갔을 때, 인디언들이 교환을 하자는 의미로 이것 저것을 가지고 왔다고 해요. 그런
데 유럽사람들은 그게 선물인줄 알고 받았는데(얼씨구나~), 인디언들은 대가를 요구했어요!!(ㄴ..네ㅎㅔ?) "indian
giver"라는 표현은, 아주 부정적인 맥락에서, "뭔가를 주고서는 도로 달라고 하거나 다른 대가를 바라는 인간"이라는 뜻
이 되어버린 거죠.ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 그렇지만 여기에는 인디언들에 대한 오해가 담겨있고, 그들에게는 매우 불명예스러운 표현
일 수 있기 때문에 조심해야해요.
TV: A sophisticated predator, nature's perfect killing machine, the vicious wolf stalks its prey with purpose and skill. It
was only with years of selective breeding and genetic altering that this noble beast was transformed into man's
subservient little buddy.
Summer: Aw! Oh, my God! He recognizes the other dogs on TV.
Little Girl: "A," "B" his name is scary Terry "C," "D" he's very scary.
Rick: Holy crap! We have to escape into someone else's dreams, Morty!
Morty: Oh, man, oh, man, oh, man!
Little Girl: "E," "F" he'll design your death
Rick: The little girl!
Morty: Huh?
Little Girl: "J," "K," he'll really ruin your day.
Rick: Are you kidding me? This again? Oh, man, it looks like we've hit dream bedrock here, Morty.
Morty: Oh, geez, Rick. W-w-whoa, this isn't good.
Scary Terry: Nothing but fear from here on out, bitch!
Morty: Ohhhh!
Rick: Holy crap, Morty. He can travel through dreams. He can travel through dreams! We're so screwed!
Snuffles: Where are my testicles, Summer? Where are my testicles, Summer? They were removed. Where have they
Summer: Oh, wow. That's an intense line of questioning, Snuffles.
Snuffles: Do not call me that!
Summer: AAAAAAAHHH!!!!!
Snuffles: "Snuffles" was my slave name. You shall now call me Snowball, because my fur is pretty and white.
Summer: Okay, Snowball, just calm down, okay? You're scaring me.
Snuffles: Scaring you?
Snuffles: Tell me, Summer, if a human was born with stumpy legs, would they breed it with another deformed human
and put their children on display like the dachshund?
Summer: Uhhh ...
Jerry: Hey. Oh, wow. Okay, is is is everything okay in here?
Snuffles: Jerry, come to rub my face in urine again?
Jerry: No! No, we were uh, just seeing if Summer wanted to uh ...
Beth: G-Go on, um, one of our famous midnight family walks!
Summer: Yeah. Totally. Let's go.
Snuffles: You will walk when it is time to walk.
Rick: What are we here for again? Incepting? We're trying to incept-
Morty: We're trying to incept me to get an "A" in math?
Rick: Oh, yeah.
Scary Terry: Buckle up, bitch!
Morty: Ooooooaaahhh! Man, he sure says "bitch" a lot!
Scary Terry: You can run, but you can't hide, bitch!
Rick: Hold on, Morty. Y-you know what? He keeps saying we can run but we can hide. I say we try hiding.한 번 숨어
보자는 말이에요. 여기서는, "I say"가 "~를 해보자"의 의미로 쓰인 거죠.
Morty: But that's the opposite of what-
Rick: Yeah, well, since when are we taking this guy's advice on anything?
Morty: Hey, you know what? You got a really good point there, Rick. Like, if the truth was that we could hide, it's not
like he'd be sharing that information with us, you know? I-I-I think it's a good idea, Rick.
Rick: Worst-case scenario we're back to running.
Morty: Wow, you know what? I mean, it looks like we could have just hid this whole time. Boy, Rick, that was some
good thinking.
Rick: Thanks, Morty. Yeah, it's nice to be on the same page[in agreement about something] every once in a while.
Scary Terry: You can run but you can't hide!
Rick: Oh, this is perfect, Morty. Look at that. He's getting sleepy. Just a little bit longer. Before he calls it a day. That's
when we make our move.
Jerry: Snuffles, we didn't mean you any harm! This is a huge misunderstanding.
Summer: Dad, he wants to be called snowball.
Jerry: Well, I'm not calling him that. That's ridiculous.
Snuffles: You're being very aggressive, Jerry. Perhaps tomorrow Dr. Scraps will solve that problem with a bit of
Jerry: Huh! You think you can control me with a haircut?
Scary Melissa: Hi, honey. You're home early. How was your day?
Scary Terry: I don't want to talk about it!
Scary Melissa: Oh, of course! You never want to talk about it!
Scary Terry: Get off my back, bitch! [stop criticizing me and leave me alone]
Scary Melissa: Out there. Not in here!
Scary Terry: Yeah, I know, I know. I shouldn't take my anger out on you or Scary Brandon. I love you, Melissa.
Scary Melissa: I love you, too, Terry.
Rick: Morty, this is perfect. After a little scary coitus, they should be fast asleep and then we'll incept him.
Rick: Looks like scary Terry's having a nightmare.
Morty: Oh, boy, Rick. I can only imagine what horrible things must, you know, scare Scary Terry.
Scary Terry: Oh, no! I'm late to class, bitch! Oh, no! I'm not wearing any pants!
Teacher: Ah, well, Mr. Terry, why don't you tell the whole class the proper wordplay to use when one is chasing one's
victim through a pumpkin patch?
Scary Terry: Oh, uh, um ... "Bitch."
Teacher: Oh, come on, Terry, you can't think of a pun involving pumpkins, bitch?
Morty: Hey, leave him alone!
Rick: Yeah, this is a bunch of bullcrap. Who cares what stupid pun you make when you kill someone? Why don't you
let the poor guy say whatever he wants?
Teacher: Well, I never! I-I see no reason to stand here and take this.
Rick: You're putting too much pressure on yourself, scary Terry. You know, I mean, y-you're perfectly scary enough as
it is.
Morty: Hey, yo, scary T, don't even trip[don`t worry] about your pants dawg. Here's a pair on us, fool.
Scary Terry: Aww, bitch. I don't know what to say.
Morty: You don't need to say anything. We got you, dawg.
Rick: You're our boy, dawg. Don't even trip.
Scary Terry: Oh, hey, it's you guys!
Scary Melissa: I haven't seen him this relaxed in years.
Scary Terry: If you guys ever need anything, just say the word.
Rick: As a matter of fact, Terry, there is something you could help us with.
Little Girl:' "Q," "R," you won't get very far.
Scary Terry: I always hated that song!
Scary Terry: These halves don't belong together, bitch!
Scary Terry: Sex is sacred!
Scary Terry: This is because you don't give Morty Smith good grades, bitch!
Mr. Goldenfold: Holy crap! God damn! I know one thing for sure I'm giving Morty an "A" in math, and that's my
idea. That is an original thought.
Morty: What the hell?
Rick: Out of the frying pan dot, dot, dot, huh, Morty? "out of the frying pan into the fire"이라는 표현이 있어요. 난쟁
이가 되어서 프라이팬 위에 있는 걸 상상해보세요.(갑자기?) 너무 뜨거워서 뛰어내렸는데 거기에는 가스레인지의 불이
있는 거죠!!!! 바로 설상가상이라는 뜻입니다. Rick은 out of frying pan까지만 말했죠. Rick이 한 말은, "겨우 꿈에서 살아
나왔더니!! (이건 또 무슨일이야!!)"라는 의미입니다.
Morty: Oh, man, what's going on?
Rick: Well, it's possible that your dog became self-aware and made modifications on the cognition amplifier, then
turned on[become hostile towards] Jerry, Beth, and Summer after learning about humanity's cruel subjugation of his
species, but your guess is as good as mine, Morty.
Summer: I can't believe how mean snuffles got just because he's smart. This is why I choose to get C's.
Rick: Psst, Beth, Jerry, Summer.
Beth: Dad!
Jerry: Rick!
Summer: Oh, thank God, Morty.
Morty: Oh, you're welcome.
Rick: All right, let's get out of here. If we hurry we can set up camp in a sewer tunnel or something before the dogs
completely take over.
Jerry: Whoa, whoa, whoa. We're not going anywhere. This is my house. I'm not abandoning it.
Rick: It's all over, Jerry. The dogs are on a path to total world domination. But, hey, at least they know not to piss on
your carpet, right?
Jerry: Wait a minute. I have an idea.
Jerry: Gentlemen, a moment of your time.
Snuffles: Bad person. Bad.
Rick: Ooh, great plan, Jerry.
Snuffles: Bring the boy to me. You were always kind to me, Morty. That's why I will leave you with your testicles.
From now on, you will be my best friend and live by my side.
Morty: Th-thanks, snuffles.
Snuffles: Begin phase two.
Reporter: Fighting continues as the dog army captures the eastern seaboard. It appears clear at this time that the
era of human superiority has come to a bitter end. Please! Please don't kill me!
Dog 1: What's she saying, Bill?
Dog 2: I think she's saying, "I love lasagna."
Morty: Mmm. Thank you, Fido. Rick! I thought you were dead!
Rick: No, no, no, I was just playing dead. Good news, though, Morty. This whole thing's gonna be over really soon.
Morty: What?
Rick: It's a dream, Morty. We're in your dog's dream. The night the dogs captured us, after you cried and crapped
your pants[to defecate into pants], we all went to sleep. Then I used my dream inceptors to put the two of us inside
snuffles' dream.
Morty: But I-it's been like a whole year!
Rick: It's been six hours. Dreams move one one-hundredth the speed of reality, and dog time is one-seventh human
time. So, you know, every day here is like a minute. It's like "Inception," Morty, so if it's confusing and stupid, then
so is everyone's favorite movie.
Morty: Aw, man. I really liked this life. Well, at least I didn't really crap my pants.
Rick: No, no, that happened before you went to sleep, Morty. You're sleeping in your crap right now. Out of all the
things that happened to you, that was the only real thing that, you know, is that you crapped your pants. I mean,
it's a mess out there. I got some on my hands, Morty, and then I got it on the dream inceptor, and a piece fell in
my mouth.
Morty: Aw, man, geez! Seriously?
Rick: Look, d-d-d-don't worry about it, Morty. Here, here take these, Morty. Take these.
Morty: Are these pills supposed to wake me up, or something?
Rick: Close. It's gonna make your kidneys shut down.
Morty: What?!
Rick: It's necessary for the plan, Morty. Don't even trip, dawg.
Rick: It's pretty bad, emperor snowball. We're gonna need to do another operation.
Snuffles: Anything. Anything for my precious Morty.
Dog: Sir, as your accountant, I must advise you that these medical expenses are putting you in serious financial
jeopardy. You could lose your kingdom.
Snuffles: To hell with my kingdom, bean counter. I would trade it all for my human's health and happiness.
Dog: Do you think they would have done this for us?
Snuffles: We are not them! We are not them.
Snuffles: Assemble the troops. I've made a decision.
Snuffles: Taking over the human's world will lead to nothing but more heartbreak, more cruelty. Instead, we will go to
a new world and colonize it with a society of intelligent dogs, one that will not make the same mistakes as
humanity and one where pet insurance will be mandatory.
Morty: I'm gonna miss you, Snowball.
Snuffles: You can call me Snuffles, Morty, and I'm going to miss you, too, very much.
Beth: Jerry?
Jerry: I'm sorry. It's just like the end of "Old Yeller."
Beth: Oh, Jerry. You mean because it had dogs in it.
Morty: Wow! A whole world populated by intelligent dogs. I wonder what it'll be like, Rick.
Rick: I think it will be great, Morty. You know it could be developed in-into a very satisfying project for people of all
ages. I mean, I'd watch it, Morty, for at least 11 minutes a pop. You know, may-maybe they'll do it board-driven.
Morty: You know, that's a real comforting idea, Rick.
Rick: What do you know, Morty? What do you know?
Scary Glenn: Hi, guys. I'm your new teacher for scary class. My name is scary Mr. Johnson. Uh, actually, you know
what? That's my dad's name, so why don't you just call me scary Glenn, yeah? So, anyway, I understand your
previous teacher was having you work on fundamentals of fear. Which is what is that? You know? So, uh, here here's
what I say you can't learn anything until you learn how to chill.
Rick: Oooh! This is how you dream, bitch.
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[미드로 영어 공부] <릭 앤 모티> 시즌1 에피소드1 영어대본 <Rick and Morty> Season1 Episode1 script
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