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릭 앤 모티 영어공부

[미드로 영어 공부] <릭 앤 모티> 시즌1 에피소드10 대본 (Part 1/3) Beth: So dad. Guess what tomorrow is... Rick: Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday. Beth: No. Well, it might be. Rick: It is. Beth: Fine. But also, tomorrow is your one year anniversary back in our lives. I'm gonna make you flying-saucer-shaped pancakes. Rick: Oh, there's no need to do that, Beth. Regular pancakes are fine. Beth: Happy anniversary, dad! Rick: Oh, I get it. Regular pancakes are alre..
[미드로 영어 공부] <릭 앤 모티> 시즌1 에피소드9 영어대본 (Part 2) Summer: Hm, funny. Mr Needful, out of everything in the store, you’ll never guess what we couldn’t get rid of! Ah! Oh my god! Oh my god. I wish this desk was lighter! I wish this knot was looser! Come on! I don’t… Wait! What am I doing? I wish I knew CPR! One, two, three! One, two, three! Needful: Ugh, Jesus. What a waste of a monkey paw. Summer: Mr. Needful! How could you even think of doing so..
[미드로 영어 공부] <릭 앤 모티> 시즌1 에피소드9 영어대본 (Part 1) Morty: Hey Rick, I have to make a project for the science fair this weekend. You think you could help me out? Rick: Whatever. Jerry: Well, traditionally science fairs are a father-son thing. Rick: Well, scientifically, traditions are an idiot thing. Beth: Morty, I think it will be fun for you to work on a science project with your dad. Morty: Yeah, dad, why don’t we do it together? Jerry: Yes! Y..
[미드로 영어 공부] <릭 앤 모티> 시즌1 에피소드7 영어대본 <Rick and Morty> Season1 Episode7 script Rick: Look, I'm not paying 70 smidgens for a broken defraculator. man: That is multiphase quantum resonator. Rick: Well, does it defraculate? man: Fuck no. Rick: Then, then, then it's a broken defraculator. man: Like you would even know dick about fraculation! Your planet just got cellphones, and the coverage[the extent to which something is covered] still sucks! Rick: Yeah, yeah, and your speci..
[미드로 영어 공부] <릭 앤 모티> 시즌1 에피소드6 영어대본 <Rick and Morty> Season1 Episode6 script Principal Vagina: Principal Vagina here, don't let the name fool you, I'm very much in charge, reminding you that tonight is our annual flu season dance. I don't know how many times I have to say this but if you have the flu, stay home, the flu season dance is about awareness, not celebration. You don't bring dead babies to Passover. Passover(유월절)는 모세를 포함한 유대인들이 이집트를 탈출한 사건을 기념하는 날이랍니다. 그렇다면 왜 이..
[미드로 영어 공부] <릭 앤 모티> 시즌1 에피소드5 영어대본 <Rick and Morty> Season1 Episode5 script Rick: Run! Morty, do it! Hit the button now! Morty: I can’t do it, Rick! They’re my parents and sister! Rick: Morty, I already told you, it’s not your family! They’re clones from an alternate reality possessed by demonic alien spirits from another dimension’s future! Do you need a mnemonic device기억 회복 장치 or something? Just hit the button already! Beth: Morty, please. I love you, sweetheart. Mort..
[미드로 영어 공부] <릭 앤 모티> 시즌1 에피소드3 영어대본 <Rick and Morty> Season1 Episode3 script Jerry: Last King Christmas last arrived! On the Christmas Christmas!노래가사 Mmm... Jerry, you are really giving it to this ham.[do something exceedingly well] Jerry: Um, Merry Christmas? Helloooo? My parents are coming over for the first time in years! Can we stow the gadgets and look alive?"gadgets"는 스마트폰이나 태블릿 같은 것들을 얘기해요. 그리고 태블릿 파우치를 "stow organizer"이라고 한답니다. 그러면 어떤 의미인지 아시겠죠? 태블릿 같은 거는 다 집어넣고 ..
[미드로 영어 공부] <릭 앤 모티> 시즌1 에피소드2 영어대본 <Rick and Morty> Season1 Episode2 script Jerry: What? Why are you looking at me? You want to go outside? Outside? Outside? Are you kidding me?! Come on! Summer: Oh, my God. Morty: What's wrong? Jerry: Your idiot dog! Morty: Oh, he he didn't mean it, dad. Did you, snuffles? You're a good boy. Jerry: Don't praise him now, Morty! He just peed on the carpet! Bad dog! Bad! Rick: Morty, come on. I need your help tonight. Jerry: Hey, wait, ho..